Unexpected Adventures
I love it when the unexpected happens. This year has had a lot of unexpected awesomeness happen. I’ve learned to just go with it and enjoy the ride. Let me share yesterdays adventure with you.
I was messing around on Facebook late wednesday night when I saw a post from the TN Libertarian party saying that some of the required signatures to get Gary Johnson on the ballet were rejected. The post was asking people to come sign a new petition. Since I have planned on voting for Gary I said I would be there first thing in the morning.
I showed up early, parked illegally ran inside to sign and run back out. My mistake was thinking anything government related would be fast. I was the first ti show up. Even before the organizers. So I had a case of hurry up and wait.
Printing the petitions took almost an hour. the lady clerk was not happy about having to print them and took her sweet ass time.
Although at first I was a bit annoyed at the long wait it turned out to be more than worth it.
As it turns out to be valid the petitions must be signed by the candidate. So Gary had to make a last minute emergency visit to Tennessee.
I ended up taking a petition to go get a signature from a buddy that was working eat some bacon and eggs then head back to get to meet Gary Johnson.
Meeting the governor reinforced my suport of him. He without script nor teleprompter said exactly what he has always said. Possible more real without the fear of offending people. I love that he showed up in jeans, running shoes and an underarmour type shirt.
Gary was tired from driving straight from texas and time rushed but took his valuable time to chat with our small group. I was already going to vote for him, yesterday cemented my suport. Thanks Gary for being awesome!
In closing I just want to say lifes amazing. The unexpected can happen if you let it. Never be afraid to ask for something. Never fear trying something new. Always take what you want from life.

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