James and Mike A Day In THe Woods Autoimmune Diseases

Episode 42 Moving To The Tiny House

James and Mike A Day In THe Woods Autoimmune Diseases
James and Mike




This week James and Mike recap the holidays. Celebrate James’ birthday. The main topic this week is about the move to the tiny house. What worked and what didn’t. How has life been in the tiny house since the move? James talks about what is done and what still has to be done.

We also talk about predictions for the coming year. Cover some of the health benefits of ginger. Mike talks about the Gerber Machete he got for Christmas.



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Tiny House Update 12/4

Tiny House Update 12/4


Tiny House Update 12/4
Tiny House Update 12/4


Today I have another update for the tiny house build. I shot some new video after the ceiling was up. There is a bit more done after the video. Finally all the ceiling boards are up. In the video there is still a gap in the ceiling. We had to cut boards to fit where the boards met. Above the loft we removed the support brackets to give more head space. The rest of the ceiling has a flat area in the center. As of right now where they meet is a hollow triangle that needs to be covered.

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Windows and Wiring

Overcome And Adapt

Windows and Wiring Overcome and adapt
Overcome And Adapt


I’ve touched on this subject before. Overcome and adapt. With the tiny house build I’ve embraced it further. Many will fall apart when they get to a problem. Things have to work out right or they loose it. I would be screwed if that was the case. House building will teach you to overcome and adapt.

It’s like a battle between you and the house. The house will only accept you if you can beat it. For being such a small house it has thrown a lot at me. Today I just got two more delays. Making the movie in deadline of a week from now seem that much harder. I’ll overcome and adapt of course. I’m already thinking of solutions. My impatience is kicking in though.


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Homestead Update

Dual Homestead Update 11/21/2014

Homestead Update
Homestead Update

Homestead Update

Another update on the tiny house build going on at Dual Homestead. Smitty and I have been killing it. Even with my recent winter cold. I shot some video after a long day out there. I went back one more time but was so tired I didn’t get any video. This update has two major completions. With the move in date getting closer the need to be done is ramping up.

Plywood Walls Going Up

The walls are finally going up. In fact they went up surprisingly fast. Which was what I thought. I figured using plywood sheets instead of drywall would go very fast. I did not realize how many pieces would need to be cut though. Which turned out to be every sheet. Not a single one went up whole. With that said though we covered the walls in two days of hard work.

The back wall still has a piece to go up. We are building a wall for the bathroom. The ceiling still needs to be covered as well. As you can see in the video though the rest is up. We have not even stained the walls yet and they already look great. The next step on the walls is to fill holes with wood filler, sand and stain it.

I’m still going back and forth on whether I want to use a stain with or without polyurethane. Do I want them shiny or not? Still not completely sure on the stain color either. I’m leaning towards no polyurethane in a red oak. We will see though.

Insulation Is Finally Done

Doing the insulation on the ceiling was becoming a pain in my ass. The problem was the ceiling rafters are about 22 inches apart. The insulation we had was 15 inch wide. Our original plan was to cut down one piece and add to a whole one to make up the difference. Doing this on a ceiling was nigh impossible. It took me about 30 minutes to get up one piece. And it looked like crap.

So the solution was to go get the right size insulation. I also picked up some metal rods to hold them in place. Those speed up the process. I got the entire ceiling done in a few hours. It was so rewarding to see so much progress. Now we just need to get the plywood up there. I can’t wait to show you guys the finished house.

Tiny House

Tiny House Update 11/14/2014


Tiny House
Tiny House


I’ve been busy with the tiny house lately. I have a lot to do in a little time. I have to be moved in by December first. Before I move in I need to finish the insulation and get the walls up. That’s about two weeks from now. We were also trying to beat the weather. A cold snap finally came through. Right now in sunny TN it’s a chilly 21° F.

This winter might be as cold as they are saying it will be. Getting the insulation done in the tiny house done is critical. I need it to keep out the cold and keep the heat in.

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