Debt is Slavery

Episode 76 Debt Is Slavery

Debt is Slavery
Debt is Slavery


Debt is Slavery

This week we tackle the issue of Debt. How debt enslaves you. How freeing it can be to escape from under debt. Mike and I both have become debt free at fairly young ages.

We share some tips on how to get free. How to stay free from debt. Also we talk about some frugal tips.


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Debt is Slavery

Prepping for NOW – Debt Reduction at all Costs

Today is an excellent guest post about debt elimination. When I was contacted by Gale Newell  on submitting an article on debt reduction  I was excited to run it. Debt is evil and needs to be destroyed. So enjoy this and get rid of the debt. -James


Prepping is about being self-reliant. It’s about being detached from any and all dependencies. When SHTF the current political and economic systems we currently fall in line with will be gone, or at least much less stable and reliable on an everyday basis. No longer will you be able to leave your home, get in your car, drive to the local supermarket and secure all the foodstuffs on your shopping list. Food and other supplies will be scarcer and much harder to acquire. Life in general will not be as easy as it is now. So what can you do to prep for the future? Start with cutting those strings of dependency. First and foremost, eliminate any and all debts tying you down.

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The Slavery Of Debt And Lost Opportunities

I hate debt. A lot. I’ve always hated it though not as defined as I now know it. I don’t have much of it and that’s the way I like it. I’ve been thinking more and more about the little I do have and it’s become somewhat obsessive. I don’t like it and want it gone now. I’ve played with facts and figures on how long it will take to pay off and tried to figure ways to speed it up. I’ve racked my brain and laid awake at night have only hate it more. Today I’m going to talk about the evil of debt, missed opportunities and how to work out from under it.

In the Machine Till death





In the machine till death.That’s a phase Ive been thinking about a lot recently. You go to work and work your ass off till you die. Wasting the best years of your life slaving away to make someone else rich. And if your my age you will not see any social security. You’ll have to stay in the system till your old and beaten. Till you your soul-sick of the lifetime of slavery leaves you, That’s exactly why I don’t want. I’m make sure I’m always aware of that simple fact and make sure that I’m striving to gain my freedom from this matrix we are enslaved in. If you are fine with remaining enslaved no need to continue reading. If you however crave your freedom and independence take the red pill and join me


Photo from Enricopalombaro on Flickr

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