Prevent Burnt Tongues with Coffee Ice

Today I’m going to talk about the great savior to modern life. Coffee, which provides of the much needed energy to drag ourselves into work every Monday. Coffee which is always there for you after a long night of drinking. I jumped on the coffee bandwagon late in life but I’m making up for lost time. The big reason it tool so long to begin my love affair with coffee is that I can’t stand drinking hot drinks. Hot drinks  are not refreshing and must be sipped. I take big drinks and this has led to many a burned tongues. Now I have a solution to burned tongues without loosing flavor.


In the past when I wanted cold coffee I had a few choices, let it sit long enough to drink (I’m very impatient) cut it with water a la an Americano, or add ice. While these methods all work they were not optimal. I’m too impatient to wait until the coffee is cool enough to drink. I have literally had Starbucks I ordered while driving and it was so hot I could not drink it for over thirty minutes. Why would anyone want coffee flavored lava! Add in cool water to it can make it drinkable but at the expense of flavor. If you use crappy tap water with you artisan brewed coffee you end up with swill. If your drinking a weaker coffee you will wash out the flavor. I like my coffee strong and watering it down only works with espresso. Lastly you can add ice. Ice cools is down rapidly and can give coffee the refreshing factor I fell it lacks when hot. Ice has a serious downside though. When it melts, and it will quickly, you end up watering it down. Then you have all the same detraction from simply adding water.

The solution that I’ve found is to brew a pot of coffee. Then pour the coffee into ice cube trays and put into the freezer. Once they are fully frozen remove from the trays and put in plastic baggies. The next time you pour a cup of coffee add a few coffee cubes. You get the benefit of rapid cooling thus not burnt tongue. When the ice melts you just have more coffee in the cup.

As a side benefit you have frozen coffee treats for the hot days and here in the south we’ve had a lot recently. If you like me and like your coffee chilly put some coffee cubes in the freezer and have ice a coffee break. Now I just wish I could get it this way in a cafe.  How do you feel about your coffee? Let me know in the comments




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