National Preparedness Month Giveaways
I have a huge announcement for you today. September is National Preparedness Month. It was conceived in 2004 by Fema to promote becoming more prepared. I like to use this time to assess how my preps are coming along and work on shoring up any holes in my plans. What it means for you is prizes! Many of them, instead of my normal writing schedule this month we will do a daily giveaway of some amazing prizes. Entering is simple and tailored to the prize you want. Let me tell you what I’ll be giving away, how you can win and who to thank for giving it to you.

A few months ago I decided I needed to find a way to thank my readers for all their support. I also knew I wanted to do something for National Preparedness month in September. The two came together with an idea I got from Jack from Five Minutes with Jack. I spend the entire month of August emailing everyone that I thought had products my readers would love. I’m sure I sent over 100 emails to a huge variety of companies. After all the email dust ha d settled I had some amazing people step up and say they would love to support this contest.
So I’m sure you’re wondering who is supplying prizes and what are they? How about SOE, Lock-N-Load Java, OPS Gear, OC Tactical, Comp-Tac, Tactical Tolerance, Doom and Bloom,Jeff The Berkey Guy LPC Survival,, Reliance Survival Supply, Grand Trunk, Liberty Tactical Supply, RIBZ, LFI Custom Kydex, Marjory Wildcraft, Cocomo Joe Foods, LARABAR, Skinth™ Solutions, AGS Armament and Consulting, MilSpecMonkey, and Outdoor Coffee. Impressed? I sure as heck am. If you want any of these great prizes stop by and thank them.

This is the swag that has shown up at this point. Lara bar will be sending a sample pack directly to the winner (so I don’t eat them all) and Jeff the Berkey Guy will be sending a Berkey Sport directly to the winner as well. The water filter canteen from Reliance Survival Supply will be the exception and I will not be drinking out of it. So no worries of getting germs or whatnot.

I hope your as excited about those prizes as I am. I’m jealous I have to give it all away. My original plan was to give away via Facebook with likes or something. But Facebook has some strict Nazi rules on contest now and i don’t want to get my page deleted. The way to win is simple. I will post the item of the day on the blog, you will need to comment on that post and make sure you are on the email list on the blog. I will also be making sure that you have liked the Facebook page of the company giving away the product. At midnight I will use a random number generator and the comment that matches that number wins. So if the number is 5 and you’re the fifth commenter your taking home the swag. I will send out the prizes at the end of the week.
Make sure if you have not to stop by the Survivalpunk page and like us. If you like free stuff share this post and the dailies, the more interest we can generate the bigger the prizes I can give away in the future. Organizing this has taken a ton of time and lack of sleep but I want all of you to understand how much I appreciate you for taking the time to read my blog. I never expected anyone to come read my ramblings and crazy projects. You guys rock hope you enjoy the swag! I also want to give a huge thanks to all the companies that stepped up with prizes. Everyone in this contest didn’t even think twice about participating. I really appreciate all the support on this contest.
Evey one have a great weekend I’ll be back on Monday to kick off the Month of giveaways! Let me know in the comments how much you love free stuff!

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