Meals For the Week
Another week means more meals for the week. I mixed it up a bit this week by increasing the vegetable portions. Also I’m splitting up the meals into smaller containers. It reheats faster and more thoroughly that way. I can also mix it up by eating something different for lunch and dinner. So let’s get into what I’ll be eating this week
Up first is a sort of Tacos bowl. Taco seasoned meat, cilantro, one sliced up tomato and one bell pepper. I was aiming for a taste similar to Tacos Authenticos. It is close but I’m missing something. The bell pepper and cilantro were both added after the meat was cooked. I’ve developed a taste for raw Bell pepper.
This is Bratwurst and sauerkraut. Nothing much here I first browned the Brats in some olive oil. Then I removed the brats and sautéed some onions. Once the onions were translucent I added the Kraut. I sliced the brats into bite size pieces and added them back to simmer. I only added salt and pepper to this dish.
This is hamburger patties seasoned with Montreal steak seasoning. Topped with bacon and a mustard sauce.
This is chicken thighs seasoned with Montreal steak and cooked on a foreman grill. The two sides in the picture are mashed cauliflower seasoned with kerrygold butter and salt and pepper. Next is spinach cooked in Kerrygold butter, salt, pepper and hot sauce.
To go along with my usual meat dishes I made some vegetable portions to take along. The containers are all either a mixture of the two of the following three: broccoli, cauliflower and spinach.
I’m still trying to determine how much food is enough per each 12 hour day. This past week I found myself leaving work so hungry I could hardly think. So I need to find the best combination to get the energy I need.

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