Keystone Canned Meats
Today I’ll be reviewing Keystone canned beef and canned chicken. Being the carnivore I am, I must have meat and I’m always on the look out for long term storage meat. Most freeze dried options tend to be pretty pricey. Home canning is a viable option but very labor intensive. So for me my favorite choose is store bought canned meats. The selection isn’t very good though, really you have tuna fish and canned chicken. I can’t tell you how happy I was to see that the Keystone brand canned beef and chicken were being carried in a local Walmart
Both cans weigh 28 OZ (1LB. 12OZ) Both cans state to be minimally processed and contain no extra ingredients besides salt. Which is a huge benefit to me. Most canned meats on the market have tons of extra crap in there. There is no expiration date stamped on the can. From what I can tell the company states there is a five years expiration date. So if you buy any just write on a bought on date.
I was on my way out of Walmart one day and passed a whole feature of Keystone canned meats. I think I almost did a Looney Toons double take. It was a brand that I was very aware of and was considering buying some from an online source. I just prefer to buy things in store and local over the internet. Its something about having it right away. Also not paying shipping is great. So online I found it for $8.25 at Camping Survival which would be my preferred place to buy from. While at Walmart it cost $6.28 a can. If you know an employee you can get them as low as $5.65 a can!
I was a bit worried as I opened the cans. The can of beef smelled like pot roast cooking. So pleasant surprise on that one. The chicken smelled like…chicken. I never have found a can of chicken that didn’t smell terrible. The come out as big chunks of meat. They don’t look as much like dog food as some canned meat products. Both products come fully cooked and are edible from the can. Which would be handy during an emergency so I tested it out for you guys. The beef was really good. it tasted like good pot roast that needed more salt. The chicken was not the worst canned chicken ever. It had a slight gritty texture. I’m sure reheating and adding some flavor would help it out.
I have had canned chicken before so I decided to cook up some of the beef and see how it tasted in a dish. I made a quick recipe of sauteing some onions then added the beef. I flavored it with some garlic, cumin, chili powder and salt and pepper. I added it to some re-fried beans and topped with a little salsa and cheese. Today I was going for a slow carb day not so much full paleo. Regardless it was freaking yummy. I will be getting more Keystone canned beef for sure. I will become a long term storage staple for me. As for the chicken I will continue to buy whatever is the cheapest they all taste the same.
Have you had Keystone meats or other canned meats? If so what did you like? Let me know in the comments what your go to LTS meat solution is.

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