Episode 70 Homebrewing Part 1

This is the first part in our two part series on homebrewing. We cover the James quick, cheap and easy method of homebrewing. The method that will give you the biggest bang for your buck.
In this part we cover how to make an Ale. For Ales you need any Ale yeast. Not talked about are lagers. I am not a big fan of lagers in general. The difference between and ale and a lager is in how the yeast perform their job. Ale yeasts work in best in the 70°F range. Also Ale yeasts are top ferminting. Meaning they float on the top of the wort while digesting the sugars. Ales are faster usually finishing in a week or two.
Lagers are bottom fermenting at a temperature around 40°F and can take months to finish. Lagers end up not being worth it to me to make at home. The store shelves are filled with Lagers. Brew great ales, buy lagers.
We cover the materials and supplies you will need to become a home brewer. Enjoy and let me know how your brew adventures go.
The Complete Joy Of Homebrewing
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