I’m going to do a quick round up today of the best Cyber Monday Deals in the Prepper/ Survivalist and Paleo world. I’m sure there are more and if you know of one please do share. I’m also going to be posting to my Facebook page as I come across more. I like cyber monday much better than black Friday because I don’t have to deal with all the bullshit. If you are in the market for any of these products grab them now while they are the cheapest of the year. Lets get down to the deals.
Category: Thrifty
Repost: Tax Free Weekend And Back To School For Preppers
I originally posted this a year ago and thought it was relevant again. The tax free weekend is especially timely for me since my laptop died recently and I decided to hold off for this weekend to save a few bucks.
Starting today and running through the weekend in many parts of the country is tax free weekend. It’s mostly for clothes, school supplies and some electronics. Although I don’t support blowing money on things you don’t need, but if you need to replace or upgrade now is the time.
Personally anytime I can get things cheaper and screw the government out of taxes is a great day. They steal enough of my money with taxes anyway. I only wish that the limitations would come off and it would truly be tax free on everything.
Why I Love R.E.I
Yesterday I got my R.E.I dividend check and it reminded me how much I love that store. For those that don’t know Rei is a sporting goods store with a focus on camping equipment and clothes. What separates Rei from the other stores out there is that it is a co-op and return the majority of profits to their members through annual member refunds based on their purchases. I just got back a $40 check for gear that I bought from there throughout the year. Let me tell you why I love being a member and why you should consider it.
Army Surplus: Cheap and Tough
When I started becoming interested in Survivalisim and Prepping I began making the rounds hitting all the local Army surplus stores. Luckily for me I don’t live very far from the Ft. Campbell Army Base which is surrounded by surplus stores. For those on a budget starting out buying army surplus is a great idea on getting some tough ass gear on the cheap. Even later in your journey of prepping, surplus can still be great additions. Today I’m going to tell you why you should consider buying surplus gear where you can find it and a few tricks on getting the best prices and some of the items I got.
The Lost Art Of Being Cheap
I was talking with a friend recently about our thrifty natures. She was talking about how frugal her Dad was, even more than me, and how it had rubbed of on her. I grew up fairly poor and being thrifty was just a way of life. I never really got out of that practice even now that I make decent money. I’ve mostly avoided debt throughout my life with the exception of my current car, which I am trying to get paid off quickly, and I will never buy a new car again. Other than that I try to save a few pennies where I can. Not that I never spend money I just would rather choose what I spend it on. Lets get down to a few tips and tricks.