Category: Survival
Forums as a Survival Tool
I used to be really into a few forums on the net and slowly got too busy to post or even lurk much. I’ve had a feeling of something missing recently and it was the community offered on these online forums. So today I’ll be talking about a few of my favorite forums as well as how to use them as a tool in your preparations. So let’s get this post knocked out so I can get down to lurking on those forums. -
10 Things You Must Have In a Bug-Out Bag
Today I have a guest post from Justin via the Food Insurance folks. The post is about ten items you must have in your Bug Out Bag. THough I have some different ideas on BOB philosophy, as should everyone, this is a good list and won’t steer you wrong. So I’ll hand it over to Justin.
10 Things You Must Have In a Bug-Out Bag
It is sad that we are not safe in our very homes anymore. This is especially true during natural disasters when we are forced to evacuate. In order to survive, we must prepare a bug-out bag which should contain the necessary items that will enable us to survive for at least 72 hours.
Army Surplus: Cheap and Tough
When I started becoming interested in Survivalisim and Prepping I began making the rounds hitting all the local Army surplus stores. Luckily for me I don’t live very far from the Ft. Campbell Army Base which is surrounded by surplus stores. For those on a budget starting out buying army surplus is a great idea on getting some tough ass gear on the cheap. Even later in your journey of prepping, surplus can still be great additions. Today I’m going to tell you why you should consider buying surplus gear where you can find it and a few tricks on getting the best prices and some of the items I got.
Survival Myths That Can Get You Killed
There are so many “truths” that people hold on to that are wrong. Facts that are passed on and thrown about in conversation daily that just plain false. Most people never bother to check things out and simply accept things and begin to repeat them to others, growing the misinformation. Today I’m going to play Mythbusters and tackle a few of the more well know myths in the survival field that are plain wrong.