
Memorial Day

I would like to start this post by Thanking all of our service men and women. The decision to fight for your country and possibly die for it is big one and I respect all that made it. Though I do not agree with everything the government directs the soldiers to do I respect the men and women that protect America and keep it free. To all the brave souls that decided to take no more tyranny from the British and forge a new republic. To all the soldiers that take their oath to the constitution seriously and make the choice not to follow immoral and unconstitutional orders I give you a huge Thank you. Freedom is not free, it is a constant uphill battle to fight slipping into the ant lion hole of ever increasing tyranny. So keep all those that fought, died, came home not whole and who are still fighting in your thoughts.



I’m going to leave you with a song by Greg Yow. Many of you will recognize him as the voice of the Survivalpodcast theme song. All the songs are good but I want you to listen to the song “What Have You Done?” This song really resonates in me. Have a happy Memorial Day Everyone.




Open Carry March on Washington D.C

I follow YouTube freedom fighter Adam Kokesh on Facebook and saw his post a while back about forming an armed March on Washington D.C. I’ve followed it since then with a lot of curiosity. I initially formed some pretty negative thoughts about the concept.  From watching more videos and reading about it I’ve begun to change my mind. Today I’ll share my thoughts on the event and what I think about it.

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Evil Soda

Quitting Sodas

I drank different sodas, cokes, pop’s for my entire life. With brief periods when I gave them up. The past eight years my drink of choice has been Diet Mtn. Dew. I drank way too many of them. I cut back a few years ago and stopped buying two liters for home and would only drink water, tea and coffee at home. Work and driving was my real issue and it was having a ton of ill effects. Besides health issues it was becoming a costly “addiction”.  While I can’t say for sure If I have quit them for good this time I am sure trying. I’ll share with you a few tricks I’m doing to help  kick the soda.

Evil Soda
Evil Soda

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Boston Bombing

Boston Bombing and Situational Awareness

I found out about the Boston Bombing late last night from a friend. I’d like to begin with my condolences to the three who died and the many more that were injured. This was a terrible act of violence done to those having fun and being healthy and active. Today I’ll share my thoughts on the tragedy and some thoughts on what you can due when at events like this. I will not be an arm chair General though, I was not there and don’t know a magic trick to help you survive an explosion. I can only offer advice that could save a life.

Boston Bombing
Boston Bombing

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