Making use of Commute Time

Many of us have long commutes to work and it not used right could be wasted time. You could use your time listening to music or news radio. But I figure I have to be in the car for an hour and a half to two hours a day I should utilize that time for learning. If your like me and want to make sure that your time is not wasted let me share some good learning resources with you.

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Accepting the 10%

Accepting the 10%. The premise behind this phrase is not discounting people who share 90% of your views based on the ten they don’t. Basically people have a tendency to find and focus on the points of disagreement rather than the commonality. I’ll show you why this is bad and how to try and overcome this tendency.

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Politics Suck

This week I’ve been checking out some freedom podcasts by Michael W. Dean of the Freedom Feens and Stephaine Murphy of Porc Therapy. Both great shows filled with a great mix of humor and relevant information. While I don’t agree with everything said on both shows I agree with a large portion and if you do agree with everything anyone says your probably a drone. The result of all these freedom shows is has only served to strengthen my distaste for politics. I’m going to show you why politics suck and why your better off spending your time on something important.

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Benefits of a Cheat Day



Today I’m going to talk about Cheat Day. What is cheat day? One day out of the week I break my strict paleo diet and go hog-wild. In the past I’ve always eventually broke the diet and then getting back on from an unplanned diet is hard. The guilt associated with breaking from the diet is terrible too. So now I plan for it. There are some very good reasons why you should too. I’ll also tell you how taking breaks from most things brings you back with a stronger passion.

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In the Machine Till death





In the machine till death.That’s a phase Ive been thinking about a lot recently. You go to work and work your ass off till you die. Wasting the best years of your life slaving away to make someone else rich. And if your my age you will not see any social security. You’ll have to stay in the system till your old and beaten. Till you your soul-sick of the lifetime of slavery leaves you, That’s exactly why I don’t want. I’m make sure I’m always aware of that simple fact and make sure that I’m striving to gain my freedom from this matrix we are enslaved in. If you are fine with remaining enslaved no need to continue reading. If you however crave your freedom and independence take the red pill and join me


Photo from Enricopalombaro on Flickr

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