Winter Cleaning

Everyone’s heard of Spring cleaning, but Winter cleaning? Yup, a lot of cleaning needs to be done at least twice a year. Winter brings with it it’s own set of cleaning and preparations. Today I’m going to go over some of the steps I take to get winter clean and ready.

Tool Cleaning
Tool Cleaning

Car Winterizing

Sadly I’m not much of an expert in this field. Car’s were never much of my thing. Being a broke guy though I have done my share of car repairs, It’s just not something I enjoy. I will tell you the steps I take though to get winter ready.


  • Get an oil Change
  • Fill up antifreeze reservoir
  • Change washer fluid to winter formula
  • Check tire tred depth and replace if needed

Those are the big steps I take. In addition to making sure that I have my cold weather sleeping bag, spare coat, gloves, Blanket, water, food. Check the condition of your window scraper. I keep a can of window defroster in my car. I have plenty left over from last year actually. Keeping extra fuel would be a good idea. I have a hatchback and am iffy about gas being in my back seat.


Tool Maintenance

Winter is a great time to check on all your tools. Every few months I like to make sure that my knives/ multi tools are rust free and sharpened. The grim that can get into a multi tool is pretty amazing. I like to coat my leatherman wave in WD40 working it into the moving parts. I use cotton swabs to get the dirt out and sand paper to remove any rust spots. One My mora knives I prefer to coat them with olive oil keeping them food safe. same thing with my skyline pocket knife. Since I use it for food prep all the time. I will usually spend a day sharpening all my knives.

Home Cleaning

I also spend this time deep cleaning my apartment. I clean and organize everything. getting rid of anything I no longer need, fixing or replacing broken items. I pack up all the summer clothes and get out the wool and winter clothing. Check the condition of the items being packed and the ones getting unpacked. Cabin fever is a lot nicer with a clean place. Being slow when it comes to cleaning this is probably a two week process. Last year I spent a whole week on the bathroom, I replaced all the caulking. This is a great time to check you pantry and make sure nothings expired or about to. Anything that is about to go bad needs to be eaten or given away.

Cleaning is not just for Spring! People tend to spend more time inside during the winter  so you have more time to clean and maintain your tools for spring. I just started my winter cleaning and preparations. I’ll be bust over the next few weeks cleaning  and doing maintenance.

What do you do to get winter ready? What should I be adding? Let me know in the comments


Today’s article brought to you by the great folks over at home to all your Bug out bag and tactical needs.



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