Why I Hate Mainstream Media

A current news story has made me snap a gasket. It’s not just the event being covered but the way in which the media has been covering it. I pretty much have never been a news fan and avoid it but in digging into this story I have become to lose even more respect towards it. Today will be a rant about my ever increasing hatred of the media but will also include my hatred of dumbasses. So stick around will I rip into some assclowns.

Mainstream Media
Mainstream Media

The Story

I saw the news story in a picture on Facebook. At the time I only knew what the picture said. Statements from the reporters were about how bad it was that two teenagers were sentenced for rape. That their promising futures as football players are now over. All the statements left out any sympathy towards the victim. As far as I’m concerned they got ass light. If I had a daughter and this happened to her they would be burying these two pieces of shit. What kind of parent raises a child to think it’s OK to rape someone. I know my mother would have beaten me to death for this and rightly so. Yes the girl drank till she passed out, and the right thing to do would have been to take her to a bed to sleep it off not rape her and take videos and pictures. From reading about it with text msgs sent from the boys they had no remorse over the situation only on being caught and sentenced.  Further more it seems that the story was trying to be hid and the boys protected. Is this the kind of culture we live in?

Not One Word Of the Victim
Not One Word Of the Victim

Mainstream Media Idiots

Watching some clips and reading about this case has disgusted me. The news reporters covering it portray some of the worst examples of journalism ever. They are devoid of morals of any kind. I’m the last person to ever bring up morals but saying it’s OK to violate another person is plain wrong. In life there are moral gray areas where one will consider something immoral and another wont. I’m sure to a Hinduism my curried beef would break a ton of ethics. Mainstream news has never sat well with me, instead I have always preferred alternative news media. They have the freedom to be truthful. This further pushed me away from them and their bad reporting. Worse I doubt many will even notice this. The reporters that did this, especially Candy Crowley, should be looking for new jobs. Judge Napalatonio lost his job after an amazing rant on the lie of the two party political system so reporting that rape is OK should be a job ender.

Alright rant over I just had to get that off my chest. It had been bothering me and the more I read the more irate I became. I will continue to get my news from blogs and Youtube and not any lying ass mainstream news media.

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