Trying New Things
Sometimes we can get stuck in a rut. Doing the same things over and over, turning to the comfortable old stand byes. It’s good to break the cycle and try new things you’ve not done before. It was food that made me think about this but trying new things extends to all facets of life. Breaking the comfortable mold of life and having new experiences is great.
The other day I was buying some produce and thinking what to buy. I saw the tomatillos, I’ve looked at them many times and never bought any. I’m not sure why, fear of the unknown maybe. I decided to buy some tomatillos and try cooking with them. It was a small thing, just something I’ve never done. Before cooking with them I sliced off a piece and tried it. I was under the impression that they tasted similar to tomatoes. That was a completely wrong impression. There is a mild similarity to tomatoes but not much, the tomatillos have a very distinct sour flavor. So far I have not got very fancy with cooking them only eaten slices on hamburgers with avocado. Tonight I will cook them up somehow. Another new food I’ve been cooking with has been kale. Growing up I’d never heard of it. My mother certainly never made any kale or most any greens. Our veggies came mostly from cans and were limited to corn, potatoes beans and spinach. Since I’ve got into cooking and healthy eating I’ve tried many new things. Sauteing fresh veggies, kale included, has become one of my favorite ways to cook them. I still store some canned foods but prefer fresh when I can use them.
Trying new things is not limited to just foods and cooking. Getting out and trying new things can be fun. Recently I went out and competed in an IDPA match and had a blast. A great utility for finding new things is the site Meetup. On there you can find groups having events near you and meet similar minded people. There are many classes for cheap or free. The important part is breaking the mold and trying things you want to do or learn. Challenging yourself to be better.
I challenge each of you to try something new this week. Weather it be a new food, new skill, or anything you’ve never done before. There are a million tiny new things you can do so pick one and get busy. Not everything will be great but many will.
Have you tried something new recently? What was it and how did you like it? Let me know in the comments!
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