Tin Foil Thursday

I don’t get into conspiracy theory’s and all the craziness that comes with them. Not anymore anyway. When I was younger I loved all the conspiracy theories and unexplained mysteries. I could not get enough bigfoot sightings, UFO’s, Atlantis and Government cover ups. Being rational and logical won out and I grew tired of the scene.  I felt that anything with THAT MUCH coverage and investigations would turn up some sort of hard factual evidence. Unless I see a big foot corpse and an autopsy report (and not a fake video like the Alien Autopsy one) I’m calling B.S. Not that I think we know everything. I willing to accept that there are still mysteries out there that will be solved. Today for fun I’m going to talk about a few conspiracies found so put on your Tin Foil hat and have a laugh.

Photo By James Provost


James Holmes

The first one we will talk about today is about the Colorado Shooting by James Holmes. I saw conspiracies show up on this one on Facebook the same day it happened. The first one I saw was that he was a Manchurian candidate. Used to try and push the small arms treaty being much talked about at the time. The claims that his actions were totally out of character. That he was supplied by the government and trained for this. That the level of expertise and strategy displayed in the shooting and his bobby trapped apartment was well beyond him.

By mallix

Then the rabbit hole went deeper. I read that his actions were reminiscent of the MK Ultra program. I had never heard of this so I had to look it up.  It turns out it was a behavioral modification project run by the CIA.  The end goals of the project were to create a Manchurian candidate. The Colorado University where Holmes attended as a graduate student was involved in the MK Ultra project. That his mentor John Jacobson could have been involved in the project and brainwashed him. It’s a lot. My old conspiracy bug got ignited on this case and I fell into the abyss of tin before I caught myself. You can prove anything you want if you have an outcome already preconceived. While I do not believe that the government is completely honest and are capable of actions similar to this( Fast and Furious) I’m not sure that they were behind this one. I’m not sure they were not either. Maybe we will find out one day for now though I’m done with this tragedy. Holmes did a vile act and I’m sorry for the poor theater goers that were hurt by this.


Next is Contrails from planes. Condensation trails are the white trails made by planes. conspiracy theorist also call them Chemtrails. The story goes that the goverment/ New world order are spraying chemical or biological agents at high altitudes. This is for the New World Order to de-populize the world…I think most articles are so crazy I can’t focus. Maybe I’ve been exposed to too many chemtrails. One theory is the gov is trying to delay global warming to reflecting sunlight back into space…For one stop the global warming shit! Secondly IF the government though it was SAVING you from the threat of global warming It would publicize the hell out of it. What politician would not use a  program designed to save the human race from the evils of global warming to garner votes? If you answered None you would be correct. For the fist theory of depopulizing the world what sense does that make. A clandestine group ( probably rich too) want to kill off the poor working class? The people that do all the work to make the country work? But then who will farm, cut grass and fix their gold toilets? It’s so ridiculous. Planes flying at that altitude leave trails. Period.

I’m going to call this article done here and get back to reality. I believe that most conspiracies have some truth to them. Life is not black and white. There are a million shades of gray which is where the truth resides. I can see the allure of getting caught up in this shaddy world. Everyone loves a mystery. I just have not time for it. I’m not ever going to solve one of these. No one is. These are questions with no answers.Unless you want to donate a million dollars for me to become a big foot hunter I prefer to use my time on what I can affect. Improving myself, my friends and family. Building my self sufficiency, being happy and healthy. You can keep the Tin foil I’ll keep my experience, evidence, experiments and anecdotal proof.

If you have a favorite conspiracy or unexplained mystery let me know in the comments!




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