The Gunpowder Treason

“Remember, remember the fifth of November.
Gunpowder, Treason and Plot.
I see no reason why Gunpowder Treason
Should ever be forgot.”

Years ago I first watched the movie V for Vendetta. V for Vendetta is a 2005 dystopian thriller film. It is an adaptation of the V for Vendetta comic book by Alan Moore and David Lloyd. Set in London in a near-future dystopian society, where Hugo Weaving as V is attempting to get revenge and start a revolution. Watching this movie was my first introduction to the real Guy Fawkes and the Gun powder treason and plot.

V for Vendetta
V for Vendetta

Call me V
Call me V

The Movie

The movie based on the comic by one of my favorite authors, Alan Moore, is one of my favorite. I loved the message of the film. The struggle against the a tyrannical government. That one man really could make a difference. That one man could inspire many more to stand up for whats right. In the movie, set in Brittan future, the government has become a totalitarian system under a  fascist party. The government controls the every facet of life. The government has a policy of making “undesirables” disappear for execution.

Guy Fawkes
Guy Fawkes


The real Gunpowder treason was a conspiracy to blow up the House of the lords killing the King and parliament. From what I gathered it was more the king, James I, who had just taken the throne that was the target. It seems that the King was anti Roman Catholic and began implementing oppressive laws against them. An anonymous letter thwarted the plot at literally the last minute on the night of the 4th of November. It gets a bit murky on some of the details with arguments over weather Fawkes was a double agent with intention of being caught.

Lessons learned

I in no way support the idea of blowing up buildings and terrorism. I would not suggest anyone digging a tunnel under the White House with barrels of Gunpowder. I do think that you should always believe you one single individual can make a difference. That standing up for whats right in the face of tyranny is always the right thing to do. People sometimes get lost and need a strong voice to lead them back.

If you have not seen the movie today’s a good day to watch it. I believe it’s still on Netflix streaming. It’s a fun movie with a message. Although I don’t agree with the methods I can respect a group that died for what they believed was the right thing to do.

Like the movie? Like the history? Let me know in the comments!


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