The End is Near, But not Today!

I had a different post planned for today but decided to say something about the election. To cover both the good and the bad. I usually try to leave the political topics off here, but decided I needed to cover a few things. Somethings need to be clarified and some people need to be reeled in from out in tin foil land. Most of you will agree with parts of what I have to say and think I’m completely wrong and an idiot with the rest. Thats fine, disagree with me all you want but keep it respectful or leave. No need to be a dick in this life.



Gary Johnson
Gary Johnson

The 1%

1% is the portion of the vote got by my candidate Gary Johnson from the Libertarian Party. Gary pulled in an amazing 1,012,617 votes. Setting the record for the most votes ever for a Libertarian Candidate. I am proud to be one of the 1%. I can live happy with my decision to not vote for Obama or Romney. If Johnson runs again I’ll certainly vote for him. I only wish that the 1% would have been 5% for the Libertarian Party to get ballot access. I think with more exposure Johnson could have gotten many more votes. In fact most people ask Who when I tell them who I vote for. Usually followed by they didn’t bother voting. I’ve heard that most often since yesterday. Many of the people I asked were not inspired enough to bother voting.


The Winner?

America chose another four years of Obama. I was slightly surprised by this. Not that I supported Romney and will talk about him in a bit. I thought the fact that the country is pretty much in the shitter would be enough to fire Obama. I thought that Obama’s complete term filled with lies would have done it. He promised to end the war, work for gay rights, restore freedom and be the opposite of Bush. He delivered increased troops and war with countless innocents killed by drone warfare, Done nothing for gay rights, increased the drug war, voted to keep the patriot act indefinitely and give out more bailouts. Basically he’s lied about everything he said he would do. All while running up debt like a maniac. Whats worse his supporters don’t bother to learn this shit and when confronted about it call it lies or justify it…

 The Looser!


Romney was destined to loose. He never really inspired people. I heard complaints early on about how he wasn’t perfect BUT… I heard lots of the lesser of two evils bull shit. Lots of working on him once elected. That although his voting record was rubbish he would do better in office. That although he ran Massachusetts’ economy into the ground he would do better in the White House. That although his Romney care was the basis of Obama care he would repel it. That although in the past he was anti gun he was now pro 2nd amendment. The fact that the NRA fully supported him has removed any creditability from them.  He was quick to change his opinions when it suited his platform. All I saw though  was him agreeing with Obama.

The Good

So there’s good to be had? YES! Yesterdays elections produced many great things. First up two states legalized Marijuana use. This is a huge step in ending the drug war. Two states, Colorado and Washington, have taken a stand. They have realized that the drug war only hurts people, Fills up jails and profits the government and the cartels. I believe that illegal drug dealers will be heading out of those two states or switching drugs. I also hope that this becomes an example for other states to follow. Just to make it clear I’m not a fan nor user but I fully support a persons right to buy it.

Another great victory came with Maine and Maryland. Both states by popular vote legalized same sex marriage. I believe that marriage should not be the governments business. As long as it is though I don’t see a reason to limit it nor encroach on anyone’s liberty. I believe in smaller government not selectively smaller but wholly smaller. Helping this will be Tammy Baldwin, the first openly gay congresswoman and Jared Polis, the first openly gay congressman.  Congrats to the States for making this decision and congrats to Tammy and Jared.

The Bad

Franken Food
Franken Food

Proposition 37 in California was defeated! If your not aware this was the proposition that was going to require GMO food labeling. So we would have a choice in not buying GMO contaminated foods. I was hopping for this to pass and spread across the country. Monsanto and other big companies poured in Millions and Millions on ad’s to dissuade this from being passed. Yet another loss for we the people.



Doom is what I’m seeing on Facebook from other Survival pages and friends. Oh no Obama has won we are all doomed. Better load up on ammo and guns! There’s going to be shooting in the streets and riots. We are all being shipped of to FEMA death camps! Fools Shut up! The upcoming ammo shortage will be caused by you buying it all up! We’ve never had shooting in the streets and we won’t now. We survived 8 years of Bush we will survive 4 more of Obama. There wont be any dammed Death camps! Are we headed to a tough time? Yes, we’ve been on that course for a long time and the puppet in the office has little to do with it one way or another. Romney would not have diverted that bus, maybe slowed down a bit, maybe. But just maybe. Will it be a year, two, three or more? I have no idea when the coming economic collapse will be nor what it will look like. I plan on sticking to basics. Savings, Food and knowledge. Humans are a resilient sort and we will manage. So don’t go off the deep end. This doesn’t change my plans at all. It may suck, a lot, but we will pull through.

How do you feel about the election? Does it effect your plans? What are you doing the next few years to prepare?  Let me know in the comments!


Today’s article brought to you by the great folks over at home to all your Bug out bag and tactical needs.



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