Tropical Traditions Coconut OIl

Tropical Traditions Coconut Oil

Tropical Traditions Coconut OIl
Tropical Traditions Coconut OIl


A while back the good folks at Tropical Traditions sent me a jar of coconut oil for review. I have used it a while now. I’m finally ready to do the review. I’ll also go over some reasons why coconut oil is a must have prep.

Fat’s are an often overlooked prep. Many store their beans, rice and wheat. All stores of carbohydrate. Easily storable. Protein has options too. Mountain house meat and beef jerky are options. For fats people usually grab some things of vegetable oil. They might get olive oil on the higher end. Neither are the best option.

Just storing calorie is not enough. You could store nothing but snickers and twinkies. Junk food is cheap and last a long time. Eating it though you will not last a long time. We need to make smarter choices in our food storage. Coconut oil is one easy way to do that.

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Coconu Personal Lubricant

Coconu Personal Lubricant For Survival

Did todays title scare you off? I hope not it’s going to be a fun review of Coconu personal lubricant with  interesting findings. I came across Coconu on Twitter one day. They were looking for blog testers to review  their product. I never turn down a chance to review something, and I thought I had a unique idea for it.So I contacted Coconu about testing it out. They were very excited to see  how a survival blog was going to review sex lube. If you are too stick around and find out.


Coconu Personal Lubricant
Coconu Personal Lubricant

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Tropical Traditions Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil Giveaway!

So it’s been a while since I gave away anything and figure it’s about time. When I saw on Twitter today @Survivalpunk the Tropical Traditions was Giving away coconut oil to bloggers I jumped right on that. I use coconut oil for so so so many things. Tonight I just made up some beef an broccoli curry using some coconut oil. Before I’ve made coconut oil pemmican and a survival fire starter It has a million uses.If you are stocking up on your food preps like me check out the deal on their 1 gallon bucket.  And if you are the lucky winner you will get a free quart sent out to you. Who doesn’t like free stuff? All you need to do is fill out the Rafflecopter widget below, Like Survivalpunk and Tropical Traditions on Facebook and Subscribe to their newsletter.  That’s it then you might be enjoying the best coconut oil out there.  The Contest will run  for a week for you last minute folks. Why wait though go fill it out right now.

gold label virgin coconut oil
gold label virgin coconut oil




Tropical Traditions Home Page

Gold Label Product Page

What is Virgin Coconut Oil

How to Use Coconut Oil

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: Tropical Traditions provided me with a free sample of this product to review, and I was under no obligation to review it if I so chose. Nor was I under any obligation to write a positive review or sponsor a product giveaway in return for the free product. If you order by clicking on any of my links and have never ordered from Tropical Traditions in the past, you will receive a free book on Virgin Coconut Oil, and I will receive a discount coupon for referring you.

Coconut Tinder Burning

Coconut Oil Fire Starter

I was watching a terrible YouTube video this morning about a bushcraft hobo meal. I wont even name the video but I gave me a great idea that I tested out immediately. The  video showed a trick of soaking cotton balls in olive oil to use as a fire starter. I use Vaseline with cotton balls to make mine and had never thought to use Olive oil. The guy said he always keeps a little jar of Olive oil in his pack to either cook with or use as a fire starter. I wouldn’t keep olive oil like that to keep it from going rancid but I know of an oil that won’t go bad. My idea was to use coconut oil soaked cotton pads to use. So lets get down to the how’s and why’s?
Coconut Tinder Burning
Coconut Tinder Burning