Bug Out Timeline

Bug Out Timeline Episode 97

Bug Out Timeline
Bug Out Timeline

Bug Out Timeline




This week I cover my basic Bug out timeline. The shit has hit the fan. Now what? During this critical time you need to act fast. Like most other aspects of prepping prior planning is key. Having a bug out plan that includes a checklist will help.

I go through all the things I could think of doing to have a successful bugout. The list will get altered based on several factors. The time you have to leave, the severity of the disaster and season are the big ones. The less time you have the less you can do.

The severity of the disaster and time till occurrence are the first things to consider. If riots are happening getting out quick is important. They shouldn’t last more than a few weeks though and then you can return home. If a meteor is coming to destroy the earth in an hour thats completely different.

Whether you think you will ever return is also something to think about. If you wont ever come back there’s less you have to worry about. It also makes you more prone to take more with you.

The more things you have in place to go before hand the faster you can go. Having to search around for important items could cost you your life.


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