Open Carry March on Washington D.C
I follow YouTube freedom fighter Adam Kokesh on Facebook and saw his post a while back about forming an armed March on Washington D.C. I’ve followed it since then with a lot of curiosity. I initially formed some pretty negative thoughts about the concept. From watching more videos and reading about it I’ve begun to change my mind. Today I’ll share my thoughts on the event and what I think about it.
The March
“On the morning of July 4, 2013, Independence Day, we will muster at the National Cemetery & at noon we will step off to march across the Memorial Bridge, down Independence Avenue, around the Capitol, the Supreme Court, & the White House, then peacefully return to Virginia across the Memorial Bridge”
This will not be a permitted event, it is an act of civil disobedience, since the carrying of firearms is not allowed in D.C at all. The marchers will carry loaded and slung rifles to show the government that they do not cower in the face of tyranny. Adam says that this will be a peaceful march and if met with armed resistance they will simply turn around and go back. You can check out the Facebook Even Here.
Like I said when I first heard about this even I thought it was a bad idea. I thought that is would be used against gun owners by the folks in Washington that want a disarmed nation. That the even would go wrong somehow and be used as an example of why people shouldn’t have guns. Maybe the government would put an agent in the march and have them open fire and cause a blood bath. I didn’t have any concerns as to the marchers being arrested. At the time of this writing there are almost 4,000 people that have said they will be marching. I seriously doubt that they will arrest that many peaceful marchers. Those were my original thoughts, Then I said Fuck that.
“When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.” – Thomas Jefferson
I realized that my concerns boiled down to fear of what the government might do. That they might plant an agent, that they might arrest marchers, that they may just open fire. I was afraid of a lot of may’s and mights when there was a bigger certainty. The government is becoming ever more tyrannical. The time to make a stand is now. Yeah something might happen but if we do nothing then something definitely WILL happen. If not now then when. I don’t claim to know what the government’s endgame is but I do know that they will keep trying to get more power at the expense of freedom until they are put in their place.
Where I originally thought it was a bad idea I now support the Open Carry March and anyone that makes it!
What are your thoughts on the Open Carry March? If not now what is the line in the sand that will stand up for? Let me know in the comments!
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