
November is here and it’s time for my second annual participation in No Shave November, or Novembeard. A great time to connect with our scraggly ancestors. It’s good practice if the apocalypse happens and there are no more Mach III razors to shave with. You will have more facial warmth during the cold month. Mostly it’s just fun and you get to compete with friends on who can go the month without shaving off the beard. Keep reading and I’ll give you a few reasons why you should participate too!


Reasons to grow a Beard

On the fence about joining me in the non shaving festivities? Let me show you a few reasons why you might want to consider putting down the razor at least for a month.


Special Forces Beard
By By ussocom_ru

Beards make you tougher

Sometime over the summer I came across an article (here) that claimed special forces soilders that had beards were more effective than their shaven brethren.

“We took 100 soldiers. 25 were Special Forces qualified and had beards, 25 were Special Forces qualified without beards, 25 were regular Army allowed to grow beards for the study, and the last 25 were regular Army without beards. All 100 of these subjects were in direct combat in Afghanistan during the study.”

He continued, “Xegis Solutions had several teams of researchers embedded with these troops to make observations on their combat effectiveness. The results were overwhelming, out of the 50 soldiers with beards, zero were wounded or killed and they had a significantly higher accuracy of fire than the soldiers without beards. The soldiers lacking beards had a higher rate of weapons malfunctions and basically, shit went wrong most of the time.”

So by having an epic manly beard you can expect less weapon malfunctions and less problems in life.
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Ladies Love a beard

Well mostly anyway. In my experience there are two kinds of women (when speaking about beards) You have women that LOVE beards, and one the HATE them. No middle ground here. I found a great article explain some of the scientific reasons HERE.  There was a Glamour Magazine poll that asked women: Beards or not? The results were very one sided. 43% of women prefer a beard to only 19% clean shaven. I prefer the odds to be on my side. It basically boils down to beards look more dominant and less indecisive.



Get Growing

Have I convinced  you to join me on my month of facial hair growing fun? I sure hope so and if so check in with updates. I’ll be posting on the Survivalpunk Facebook page my growth. Hope to see some great beards on there. Ladies this does not exclude you. November is cold and you can choose not to shave your legs for November. I’ll be back tomorrow with a serious article and the start of a beard.

Are you joining in with me in November? Let me know in the comments!



Today’s article brought to you by the great folks over at home to all your Bug out bag and tactical needs.



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