Home buying: Or the most frustrating experience ever
Today I’m out looking at another property. interest rates are amazing right now and I’m tired of apartment living. This year my garden beds were taken out which was the last straw for me. Let me share my frustration with you
On a whim I decided to try to get a loan for a property I found online. It was cheap and had 12 acres. I could do great things with that much land. This first company fell through because I have no receipts for my rent at the apartment. So I contacted my brother. He knows a lot of loan people. He set me up with a guy that got me approved for a 120K loan. Great the place I wanted was only $59K. Well that place was a mobile home. They won’t lend for them. They are happy to give me 120 Thousand but not $59 for what i want!
So I start looking at site built houses that fall within my $120K limit, with at least five acres. This is not an easy task. I’ve been beaten to the bid on two properties. I called the day after They were already taken. At this point I decided to try to work with a realtor.
So far I’ve “tried” to work with about four or five realtors. I hate them all. They are the worst scum of the earth morons. The first house showing I went to I got there early and decided to walk around and look. Firstly The house was on one of the most busy roads in the city. In the 30 minutes I was there possibly 100 cars drove by. The house was maybe 20 feet from the road. The house was also decrepit. Yellow and decrepit. The neighbors were in spitting distance. The 5 acres were a narrow rectangle stretching back. At this point I was done. I let the realtor know I was not interested and not to bother even showing up.
The next showing she set up for me was slightly over an hour drive to get to. I passed miles of beautiful cow pastures. I loved the area. When I got to the house I noticed it was in pretty bad shape as well. I had stressed to this lady that I was mostly looking at land and was ok with a not perfect house. The house must be livable though. So I’m of course going to want to look at the land and she came wearing high heels…
When we enter the house It’s very dark and gloomy looking. It has nasty 1970’s carpet. The kitchen is a disaster with chunks of countertop broke off. I walk into a bedroom and it has no light. That’s fine I’m prepared I whip out my Streamlight and flash it around. I notice that the closet is completely covered in mold. To her I say We are done here. She said she didn’t see it on her walkthrough, but that she didn’t have a flashlight.
Later I find some properties I’m interested in and she tells me that my loan does not qualify for none of them. At this point I decided she’s a moron and want nothing to do with her. I had another realtor cancel on my last minute with never a follow up. I’ve been tempted so so many times to say screw this venture and stick with my dumpy apartment.
The house I saw today I was very impressed with and am going to check into it more. I’m sure there will be problems. I’m going to stick with it. I want to have land for some permaculture projects, animals, and about a million other reasons. I am appalled by the lack of preparedness in the realtor industry though. At least carry a pocket flashlight.
Have you bought a home? How was your experience? Let me know in the comments!
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