Getting Started!

last night I had a friend ask me how to get started. I’m sure it was mostly in jest due to the odd amount of Zombie like stories in the news recently. But I figured I would do a How to get started on the path to self reliance. The things I am going to tell you will only be things that will be steps that will benefit you regardless of whether the Zombie apocalypse happens or not. Take the red pill and follow me down the rabbit hole.

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Some rights reserved by Brad Trump Photography Flickr

When your first getting started in the survival/ preparedness world it can seem overwhelming. So much to learn, so much to buy. How can you ever get everything done in time to prevent zombies from gnawing off your face. I know that’s how I felt when I got started. But like the anecdote says “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time”.


Some rights reserved by oschene Flickr

The first bite in the elephant is a trick called copy canning. Basically what you do is when you go to the store and you need to buy a can of something buy two. Lets say you need a can of Spam, instead of buying one, you get two. Even though you know you only eat Spam once a week. Next week when you go back buy another two cans. Now you have two spare cans of Spam. Keep doing this till you have enough Spam and copy can something else. This trick works well with anything with a long shelf life.

Some rights reserved by Plan for Opportunity Flickr

You mini goal should be to build your pantry to one week of food. That’s one week that you don’t need to go out in a disaster. One week longer you don’t need to buy food if your out of work. And one week that you don’t need to venture out into Zombieland. Once you hit your month of storage you can move onto the next step.

Some rights reserved by Plan for Opportunity Flickr

Water! You need it or your dead. Maybe water should be the first step it’s so important. Regardless this step should be done as soon as possible. Take twenty buck and go buy a few flats of bottled water. Throw them under your bed, in a closest, anywhere you have space. No mater what the bottle says water has no expiration. I can attest to the usefulness of storing water.  If the water is out for a while and you have a stored supply it’s priceless then.


Those are the first two big steps. They are easy and cheap. Don’t require you to do anything out of the realm of sanity. Both are helpful in countless occasions that are not the End Of the World As We Know It. I know avoiding the store during a snow storm when they are packed full of idiots buying Milk and bread is well worth it to me. Having water to bathe and shave during an outage is awesome.

There are many many more steps to take but those are the two most important. Once you take them your on the road to self reliance. So go do your homework get back with me when your  done.



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