Forums as a Survival Tool
I used to be really into a few forums on the net and slowly got too busy to post or even lurk much. I’ve had a feeling of something missing recently and it was the community offered on these online forums. So today I’ll be talking about a few of my favorite forums as well as how to use them as a tool in your preparations. So let’s get this post knocked out so I can get down to lurking on those forums.
Forums As A Tool
Forums are filled with tons of great info with people of similar mindsets. Maybe it’s just part of my generation but I’ve been a member of many forums in my time. I’ve also ran a few forums in my time. The past year or two has been the exception, I’ve hardly spent a few minutes on them. When I have it’s been to solve a problem. I can guarantee you that if you have some sort of problem tons of other people have had that same issue. I’ve used forums to solve computer technique issues and many health problems. Forums are a great tool for finding solutions to many problems. Some of the best skilled people on earth, with internet access, are available to help you for free. No matter what you need help with there is at least one, if not thousands, of forums filled with great folks that want to share their talent and accomplishments with you. Which brings me to another point, I have friends and family that call me and ask me how to fix whatever s wrong. When I have something broke I head to Google and check if I can find anything about it. That needs to be your first response, if you don’t know and can’t figure it out, It is a great tool on the troubleshooting toolbox.
Forums I am a member of and post to on occasion, lurk on and will be posting more on.
Zombie Squad
This forum is an amazing resource for all your survival learning needs. This forum is hands down responsible for my falling down the endless rabbit hole of survivalisim. I found it by chance four years ago and got hooked on it. It opened my eyes to how badly prepared I was, i.e I had nothing and wasn’t prepared at all. The people are for the most part very friendly to new comers, if they are not idiots and even then they are still decent. Like any good well established forum it is filled with some amazingly skilled folks who want to share their knowledge. I’ve learned a great deal on the ZS forums and made some great friends because of it. This is my personal favorite pick for survival forums, others that I am a member of include The Survival Podcast Forum and The Survivalist Forums. I’ve not bothers to change my forum handle so if you see a user named Sicone (or The Sicone) there’s a good chance it’s me.
I can’t remember if I was signed up before and got deleted or if I just lurked the forum at Permies. I recently signed up again and have been lurking pretty hard and plan on posting, a lot. Permies is Paul Wheatons permaculture forums where they talk about Outhouses, Homesteading and Permaculture all the time (I’ve always wanted to say that). The reason for the renewed interest in the forums here is that Paul finally got land and I expect a ton of projects to come out of his new land. I’m most excited to see a real working Wofati built. If you want to say hi to me on there my forum handle, per Permies rules, is my full name James Burnette. I’m already trying to figure out how I can fit a road trip to Paul’s land, The Laboratory, into my budget.
There are many many more great forums out there, AR15, Glock Talk and Paleo Hacks to name a few. The point is that there is a forum out there for any hobby and personality. I highly recommend finding one, learning and making friends with some like minded individuals. Also don’t forget to utilize them to fix problems and find solutions.
Do you post on any of these forums? What’s your favorite forum? What’s the best things you’ve learned from one? Let me know in the comments
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