Evernote App for Survival

Today I have a quick product you should be using. It’s Evernote and its a note app and much more. I heard about the app in a blog or a book and decided to give it a try. I’ve yet to fully use all the potential of Evernote but love it for what it can do. Let me tell you why you should be using it in your daily life and what benefits it has for us preppers.


Let me preface this by saying that I am in no way affiliated with Evernote and I’m not making a penny from this. I’ve been giving Evernote a test drive for the last few months and I love it. You set up an account with http://evernote.com/ and download the app for your mobile device. I use it for android. You wrote notes and it syncs with their server. You can add notes from the computer at the site or phone.

Why do you need a note app? Well I use it for several reason. I always have my phone on me. Most of you do. Recently I’ve used it for two primary reasons. Writing down article ideas when I think of them.  Sometimes even writing parts of it when I have a few spare moments. secondly I use it to further my attempts to learn Japanese. I write phrases, alphabet characters (Hiragana) and grammar tips. I also use it for things people tell me I need to check out.

That’s all fine and good but how does that help you in your prepping? There are too many things for anyone to remember in the prepping world. With Evernote you can just save that important info. You can tag items for easier search later. For example you need to remember how much bleach you add to sanitize water. This is something you DO NOT want to guess at (about 1/4 of a teaspoon). You write the note and tag if with water or bleach or whatever you want and you can always find it.

If you add the Evernote webclip to your browser (FIREFOX or GTFO) you can save web pages as notes. See an awesome blog post, maybe one from Survivalpunk, and clip it for permanent reference. You can create your own personal encyclopedia this way.

You could use it for a pantry inventory to know what you need to buy each shopping trip. I would take a picture and add searchable text to it the remind me when something is needed. Not the easiest solution but with the synching you significant other could add items to your shopping list dynamically while you’re at the store.

I’ve only begun to scratch the surface of what Evernote is capable of. I use it daily and can’t imagine giving it up. Go ahead and download it and give it a try I’m sure you will find a use for it.



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