Episode 68 Bugging Out VS Bugging In
Bugging Out VS Bugging In
This week we tackle the ages old debate in the Prepper community. Bugging in vs bugging out. Which one is better? Like many things that depends. We try to tackle some of the instances but you will have to think for yourself.
Many are tied to one or the other. They are staying no matter what. Hurricanes, tornados and toxic waste spills wont deter them. The same could be said for those beneath Mt Vesuvius. If they had warning that is.
Others only focus on the bug out. They have built the ultimate Bug out bag and are ready to go in a second. Sure that bag now weighs a ton and you have no walked a mile in over a decade.
Today we try to break these convictions. Do not be tied to either. Be prepared for both. decide what to do based on the situation.
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