Coleman Max AAA Headlamp

Today I have another light review for you. Up today I’ll be reviewing my Coleman Man 3A headlamp. I’m a big fan of the Coleman Max series of products. They really took the quality up a notch on the entire line up. Let me tell you about this great lamp.

The Colmen max head lamp has a three brightness settings. The  max output is 75 lumens, medium setting is 43 and low is 15. The hight setting will run for 11 hours, 20 hours for medium and 55 for low.

I have a few of these headlamps and keep some all over. I keep  them in all my kits and my car. The 75 lumens is good enough to get around and find things in the dark. The low setting does great on reading  and seeing inside tents/hammocks. I loop the band around the ridgeline of my hammock to read and see.

I first started buying these because they were the brightest lights at walmart and a good price. I think they were going for between $14 and $19 bucks at the last time I bought one. Although I like a lot of the features of the Petzl e+LITE  especially the size/weight, its pitiful 26 max lumen output is unacceptable for me.

I’ve abused my lamps pretty hard in camping trips and have never had any issues. I’ve read about how some break after a few uses but there are always a few bad ones in any product run.

I’m also a fan that they run off AAA’s. Most my lights are standardized with triple A’s. They are a very common and easily available battery size. You can carry a lot of them without much weight and they are cheap enough to stock up on.

My real only issue with the light has been its bulky design and it’s weight. Although I have enjoyed them LED’s have gotten so much cheaper and brighter than when I bought these. I would certainly not fault anyone for picking up one of these you could definitely do much worse and I have no plans to get rid of them. I would much rather have many lights than one expensive one.

Whats your go to headlamp? Let me know in the comments.



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