Bit’s and Bobs from around the Web

For today’s post I’m going to do something a little different and share some articles I’ve read recently. I’ll link to them and share my thoughts on them here. Hopefully you guys will find some interesting articles you would not have seen otherwise.  I stumble across some interesting things in my internet travels so here are some of the best articles  I’ve come across this week. If you have a story or question send it to me at James@survivalpunk and I’ll take a look and answer it on the blog. Now let’s get down to what I’ve been reading.



10 Reasons Why Oxytocin Is The Most Amazing Molecule In The World


The first story of the day comes from a site called I can’t remember how it was I stumbled across this one but really found it interesting. It spoke to my geekier side. The article is called: 10 Reasons Why Oxytocin Is The Most Amazing Molecule In The World. Oxytocin, not to be confused with the narcotic oxycontin, is a mammalian neurohypophysial hormone that acts primarily as a neuromodulator in the brain[1].  I’m not a scientist so that makes no sense to me. From reading this article and a few others though it seems to do a lot for us as humans. Oxytocin plays a major role in trusting people, losing weight, being social, being generous and much more. Definitely worth a read very intriguing article. So go get increase you oxytocin and give someone a hug or handshake.

Terrorist or Freedom Fighter
Terrorist or Freedom Fighter

Morality: The Hard Line Between Revolutionary and Terrorist

This one I really enjoyed reading. It will really make you think. George Washington, Benjamin Franklin and the other founding fathers were all terrorist in the eyes of England. If you were being oppressed, your family and friends being murdered would you simply take it? I like to think that every one of my readers would stand up  to defend their loved ones. The line between Being a revolutionary and a terrorist is a thin one indeed and making the right and moral choice is the only thing that separates the two. Check out the entire article for a good write up on a tough subject. The author did a great job covering it and making you think.

skinny pink
skinny pink



5 Golden Rules

One of my friends, Emily,  recently launched a blog. This is her second post about her rules she used to lose weight. At the time of writing she has lost an incredible 78 pounds from her heaviest.  I have to agree with her five rules. One of the rules is to document everything. If I had kept a journal years ago when I had lost almost 100 pounds myself I might have had an easier time taking off the pounds that I put back on. Her blog and success is a great motivation for me and hopefully for you too. Check out her blog, My Fat Ego, learn about her tips for weight loss and help make your new years weight loss resolutions successful ones.



Hack Knife
Hack Knife


Hack-Knife Survival Blade

If you’ve not been reading the Zombease blog you need to be. They are doing some great stuff over there. I’ve exchanged a few emails with the Zombease crew and those are some solid guys. Making a survival knife from a hack saw blade is something I’ve seen covered on forums on occasion and really dig the idea. I can’t say why I’ve not got around to making one yet but after this write up I’ll have to be making one. I love it when blogs get me motivated and these guys motivate me to do more projects and to be a better blogger myself.



Hypothermia Survival

This one comes from a new blog friend Jeremy. On his blog, How to Survive it, he covers a wide range of survival topics. Hypothermia is something I have no experience with. Though mind you not because I’m an expert at winter survival. If anything it’s due to sheer plain luck and thankfully living down south were we have mild winters. Jeremy though has had plenty of experience with severe hypothermia and has learned from those experiences. This is a big information packed article.  Check it out and keep from having to suffer hypothermia yourself.


Learning to Garden – Basil

I like to save the best for last and today that means my buddy DB’s latest from Florida Hillbilly. To be honest most blogs I stumble across or check out on occasion or when I see them post it on Facebook. This is the exception. I actually read all of DB’s post as soon as they I get the daily email. In fact that daily email is my blogging motivation. If he put out a post I damn well better. Friendly competition is awesome. Anyway in this post he covers growing basil. It is super easy to grow this otherwise expensive herb and it’s way better fresh. This article actually motivated me to get off my ass and re-start my window herbs and lettuce. I miss having fresh herbs and greens.

That’s it for my trip around the web. Go check them out and tell them James sent ya! Don’t forget I need your questions for my Q&A post. Get them sent in for Friday.

What did you think of this collection of articles? See anything interesting? Let me know what you think in  the comments!

Today’s article brought to you by the great folks over at home to all your Bug out bag and tactical needs. Help support Survivalpunk by supporting the great folks at Survival Gear bags.




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